
New Obsession: Jamberry Nail Wraps!

I'm so excited that this post has taken off on Pinterest :)
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Recently I was invited to a Jamberry party on Facebook.  I'd never heard of Jamberry, and didn't pay much attention at first.  Those cutesy patterns aren't for me, and don't you have to buy that heater thingy?? (the answer is no).  But oh. my. gosh.  A quick google image search and I was hooked.   I'm a total WANNABE graphic designer and I had fun coordinating different wraps (and as it turns out my actual graphic designer friends love them too!). 

Gray Crisscross with Jamberry Lacquer in Blush

The question I get the most often is, Do they just have "plain" wraps?  And the answer is yes!  There are solids in different finishes (solid, matte, glimmer >>update, now they have some tints too<<) and a wide selection of French tips.  (Please stand by for a brief nail bio).  I've never been totally into my nails - I keep them short and natural.  IMHO polish is too much trouble to get just right and then it starts chipping in a couple days anyway.  I don't have time to go out for a regular mani/pedi and when I do I'm super critical of the job and then I'm mad when it starts to chip!  I always admired French tip acrylics but I was too cheap to keep it up.  I tried the Kiss press-on nails and loved them but they started popping off within hours (I think my nails are too flat for them) and there's nothing worse than having fake nails and missing a few here and there!  Imagine my delight when I learned that Jamberry gave me all the benefits of a salon manicure without all those annoyances.  So even if nails aren't your thang, they probably will be after you try these!  {REQUEST SAMPLES}

Not my photo.  White Tips (available in short, mid and long)
The accent is white on clear chevron layered with a solid wrap.

Back to the awesomeness that is Jamberry...  the wraps are non-toxic, long-lasting, heat and pressure activated vinyl shields that can be worn on natural or artificial nails and they WILL NOT DAMAGE your natural nails.  In fact, many people have worn them to grow out their nails (do you know any nail biters??).  Ladies, these are not stickers - when properly applied with heat they have a watertight seal.  The wraps are so easy to apply and look like a gel manicure.  And they LAST, people!  Up to 2 weeks (6 weeks for toes).  It may sound silly but they make me feel prettier, makes me want to throw on a little makeup and not wear sweats to the grocery store!  Jamberry wraps are like shoes and bags, they're fun to buy no matter what shape you're in :)

My first month of Jamicures

And did I mention Jamberry is perfect for kids?!  They have "junior" wraps for kids under 8, and the regular size fits my 10-year old perfectly. They are especially good for kids because they're non-toxic, there's no dry time (you know those suckers are always smudged before the polish dries), and they truly last and look amazing for weeks.

Not my photo.  Jamberry Juniors French Tip Bows (also comes with mustache design)

My daughter in Pink Tiger
The next question I get asked the most is, If they stay on so great then how do you get them off?  There are different ways to take then off but the gentlest way that is also good for your skin and nails is to oil (I use coconut oil) and a flosser (you know those pre-threaded flossing sticks). You just start to lift the wrap a little and then work some oil under the wrap, and slide the flosser down inbetween... And keep working the oil in and using the flosser til it comes right off without damage. 

>>UPDATE: I have switched to the official removal method of breaking the seal and soaking in non-acetone polish remover for 20-30 seconds and peel.  If you get any resistance when peeling, soak another 20 seconds and try again.  I also take a full day inbetween JAMicures to saturate my nails with nail/cuticle oil and hand cream to condition them before reapplying, and my nails are looking FAB!

 Popular combo of Gold Sparkle, Mint and Gold Stripe, and Vintage Chic.
Photo courtesy of

Let's talk more about the application, and that "heat and pressure activated" bit.  Start with clean nails (cuticles pushed back, swiped with alcohol or vinegar to remove oils).  Pick a wrap that is appropriate for your nail size.  Now heat the back/sticky side of the wrap with a blow dryer (or the Jamberry heater which you probably don't have yet).  Heat it for 3-5 seconds until it is pliable -- you will see it wilt and start to curl.  Carefully place it on the nail and press down to seal.  (Alternatively you can try the "cold method" where you put the wrap on cold and then apply heat and pressure while it's on the nail). You can keep applying heat and pressure to get a nice tight seal.  You're going to have some extra wrap extending past the tips of your nails.  To remove it, just file downward at a 90-angle and it will break off.  Tadaaa!

Not my photo.  Midnight Celebration with Diamond Dust accent.

There are other ways you can apply, some popular ones are the baggie method and rice bag method and the "stretch and pull" technique.  I'm not going to share ALL the tips and techniques at this time (but I will soon) but just know that if you have trouble applying the wraps or if you get any puckering or lifting, there's probably a reason and fix for it.  I didn't have any troubles with puckering or lifting but things like improper application, oddly shaped nail beds, the condition of the nail, excess oils... those things can all affect how your wraps go on or stay on.  No worries, I'm only a click away and there's LOTS of help on the internet.  

Not my photo.  Kiss Me Ombre with Diamond Dust and Black and White Chevron.

Here's how it works.  You can't buy Jamberry in stores, you can only get them from a consultant.  You buy them in a sheet for LESS THAN $16 (I'm not allowed to publish prices - winkwink) and each sheet does at least 2-3 manis + 2 pedis.  And, if you buy 3 sheets you'll get 1 free! You can buy from your consultant online (why, I would looove to be your consultant!) or, just like with all the fun "home party" companies like Thirty One and Stella & Dot, you can host a party and get free stuff!  What's cool is that nowadays you can even have a virtual party on Facebook, without having to coordinating schedules with your friends or get a sitter when all you really wanna do at the end of the day is sit your butt on the couch!  You don't know me and I don't know you, but that's alright - we can all be friends on Facebook!  That's how I got into Jamberry myself...   

>>>UPDATE I am going strong in the Jamberry world and would LOVE to host a party with you!  Let me tell you I hook my hostesses up bigtime :)  Contact me for details! 

Not my photo.  Twitterpated with Black and White Chevron.
I loved my first set so much that I decided to become an independent consultant right away - and believe me, I wasn't looking for another part-time thing to do, I just love Jamberry THAT much!  To be honest, you get so much product in your starter kit, plus the discount and income potential... I mostly did it to support my new Jamberry habit!!

Mint Chevron with Black and White Chevron

While I am very excited about Jamberry and I would love to help you throw a party, and I will be sharing little tidbits here and there in the future, I do hereby solemnly swear not to completely bombard you with Jamberry posts!

Let's keep in touch!
Check out my new nail blog
(this is my PERSONAL, PRIVATE distribution list)

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