
Kid-Friendly Piña-Colada Smoothie

I just wanted to share something I've been making at my house lately... I admit I bought some of that nasty (delicious) sticky, sugar-and-preservative-laden mixer Coco Real to make piña-coladas for me and the hubby.  For fun I tried making a somewhat healthy, kid-friendly version without the mixer and it turned out fab.  

I figure the addition of the banana and coconut cream makes this a healthy, satiating treat.  I buy coconut cream at Trader Joes, or you can use the thick stuff at the top of the can of (whole, not lite) coconut milk.  I suppose you could also use coconut milk without the ice.  Another idea is to freeze the pineapple juice in ice cube trays, or if you have a Vita-Mix type blender then use fresh pineapple.  Have fun with it!  

I found that both the pineapple and coconut flavors really come through, and the banana thickens but you don't really taste it at all.  Let me know what you think!  

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