
Quick Nachos (With Real Cheese)

I was doing my usual Costco run the other day and they were sampling these Veggie chips that look like Tostito Scoops. "What makes them veggie?" I asked. I hadn't even planned on sampling them until she said "kale and broccoli" and I perked right up. Hmmm what's that now, kale you say?  Now, I realize these are essentially just corn tortilla chips with like a tenth of a gram of any remotely healthy vegetable... but that's a tenth of a gram that I won't have to fight about with my kids. Plus they were on sale for $3.69 a bag, a huge Costco sized bag, so that pretty much made up my mind. I used them to whip up these quick (super tasty) nachos.  I didn't revolutionize nachos or anything, mostly I needed to break up all the Silhouette Cameo posts I'm working on!

The filling was a copycat of the bean dip I featured in this post, which was a real hit at Super Bowl and my son's birthday party.  I just used what I had on hand so the proportions are not exact, lots of room to experiment.

For the filling, combine a half can of refried beans, half a can of black beans, approximately 1oz. of cream cheese (or a blob of sour cream) and a few shakes of taco seasoning. Microwave 1-2 minutes and stir to combine well. The filling should be warm before it goes in the oven. 

Spread the chips on a cookie sheet and fill with about a teaspoon of filling, top with shredded cheese and broil to melt the cheese. 

I jokingly refered to these a "white people nachos" - is that terrible?  I'm white, does that make it any better?

I made them again the next day and got to thinking you could also put some fancy schmancy fillings in these little cups and have yourself some cute hors d'oeuvres.

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