
New Toy! Fabric Tube Turner

Remember my post about using two pencils to turn fabric tubes? And how I mentioned that I wanted a tool I saw on Sew It All (PBS) that looked like curved scissors/tongs?  Well my dearest mommy got them for me for my birthday - yippee!  And here's how it works:

Slide your fabric tube onto one side...

With closed tongs, slide the tube over to the other side. It takes a minute to ease the fabric over the lumpy end if the tube but after that its smooth sailing. 

When you've moved all the fabric to the other side the right-side-out end will sick out...

And then it's just a matter of pulling it off the tool, grabbing hold of the right-side-out end and pulling the rest of the tube smooth. 

This one is called the Multipurpose Point Former & Tube Turner by Design Plus, and my mom ordered it from Nancy's Notions online. 

Thanks mom!


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