
Awesome Chunky Chain Bracelets

I had another Pinterest attack this week. I made these chunky chain bracelets with my little cousin.  Well, she is 18 -- but I'm 36, hence "little".  Plus she is short, so it fits.  Moving on!  We found some super chunky chain at Hobby Lobby in the fabric section with the ribbon, one yard makes 4 bracelets.  They only had shiny gold color, but I prefer more tarnished looking gold tones or silver so I'll have to keep an eye out for where I can buy more chain like this.  We also got some suede cord and a toggle clasps. You could also use strips of fabric, ribbon, lace, and silky cord too.

To shorten the chain you have to pry one of the links open.  In the photo below, you can see there is a slight opening.  I just wedged a kitchen knife in the slit and then used the knife as leverage to open the link.  PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH KNIVES!

Here is one of the bracelets that inspired our project:


You basically just pull one color through the link and then twist the two colors on the side of the chain, and pull the other color through the same link, then you repeat in the next link and so on.  At fASHLIN she gives step-by-step instructions.  These kinda remind me of grown up friendship bracelets...

We tried it several ways, with both embroidery floss and suede cord (double strands of cord pictured):


I tried single strands of cord on both sides:

Here's double strands (blues) compared to single strand (purple):

I'm not sure which I like best.  What do you think?

These make cool necklaces too, and you could make them very masculine with black, cord and tarnished metals...  There's lots more bracelets I want to make... and I'll add a link after I do!  Thanks for visiting.

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